Monday, March 30, 2020

How to Tackle Corona Hair!

Now that we’ve all been stuck inside for some time, we’re starting to see the significance of our beauty routines.  

With most (if not all) of our favorite salons temporarily closed due to COVID-19, we can’t help but notice some of it slipping away from us....

The below are all too familiar:

ü  Roots grown out
ü  Split ends
ü  Missing your routine blow out
ü  Need a treatment
ü  Color fading

Naturally, we all have questions and concerns on how we can take care of our strands on our own.  But before we all decide that we are professionals and take matters into our own hands, let’s take a moment to pause and think this through!  

The majority of us are NOT professionals, hence, getting it done at the salon.  Now, more than ever, is the perfect time to consider what we SHOULD and SHOULD NOT be doing at home.

Roots showing your true colors?

First of all, you’re not likely to see many people during quarantine/social distancing.  Try to embrace your roots if you can stand it.  It’s really not all that bad; and luckily, grown out roots have actually been trending.  BUT if you cannot control yourself and absolutely need a temporary fix, there are plenty of store-bought root sprays and powders to get you through for the time being. 

Attempting to color your hair at home

If your dyed color is lighter than your natural try to avoid doing it yourself, especially if you don’t understand the color wheel.  Without proper formulation and toning you can easily end up turning orange.  If there’s anything worse than fading color, it’s unintentional orange hair!  If you find your blonde starting to fade or turn warm, turn to a purple shampoo.  You can learn all about purple shampoo in our blog (purple blog link here).

If you absolutely MUST resort to a box dye, try to stay as close as possible to your natural hair color.  If you are unsure then go lighter, you can always make a dye-job darker, but going from too dark back to light will be extremely difficult. 

Our suggestion:  Don’t bother dying it.  Leave it to the professionals.  We are all going to be super eager to help once salons reopen!

Take advantage of the down time!

Now is the time to put away the hot tools and embrace your natural hair!  Give your hair a break.  Try styles without heat. For example: braids.  Braids are a great way to tame your hair for the day, while giving it a break from the harsh styling tools you usually use.  Also, lay off the dry shampoo. Let your pores take a break to unclog.  

Who’s going to notice your hair is oily when you’re in quarantine? 

Need quick tips for easy styling?  Check out our blog about on-the-go mom hair styles! 

Try a hair mask or treatment

Take time to do a 20-minute at home hair mask.  We both know you have the time to kill! 

Coconut oil & Honey hair mask: to repair the hair
The combination of the two will help your hair to retain moisture, remain soft, and bring back any lost shine. 
-       1 tablespoon Coconut oil
-       1 tablespoon honey
Mix the two together and heat until melted.  Apply all over hair and let it sit for 15-20 minutes.  Rinse. 

Egg & Lemon hair mask: for oily hair
The eggs contain protein and fatty acids, which help with shine.  The lemon’s acidity absorbs excess oil and to clean the hair. 
-       1 egg
-       ½ lemon
Separate the egg white from the yolk.  Squeeze the lemon in a bowl and mix with egg white.  Apply all over hair and let sit for 30 minutes.  Shampoo, Condition, Rinse. 

Brown sugar & Olive Oil hair mask:  For dry hair
Brown sugar helps to exfoliate residue and dead skin cells on the scalp. Olive oil is used as a natural conditioner and adds moisture to the scalp. 
-       2 tablespoons brown sugar
-       1 tablespoon olive oil
Mix two ingredients together and apply all over the hair.  Let sit for 20 minutes.  Rinse. 

As inconvenient as things are at the moment, try and embrace the time you have to yourself.  Take the time to repair the damage from everyday hair wear and tear, relax, and come out of quarantine fresh and ready to go!

Make sure to follow our blog each month for new tips and style tricks during this time while were all uniting together to fight Corona! 

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