This year marks the 50th anniversary for the Historic Stonewall Riots, (also known as the Stonewall Uprising or Stonewall Rebellion) which began the changes for the LGBTQ community. On June 28th 1969 a series of spontaneous and sometime violent demonstrations by members of the LGBTQ community against the Police Raid on the Stonewall Inn began the change.
This weekend in St. Petersburg, FL there will be celebrations all weekend. The parade is truly a fun experience to see people in all their color be able to relax and be who they are. Everyone will be smiling, laughing and having fun. It is a time for getting to know the people that are standing beside you waiting for the next float to pass by, Uniting as a community.
As you are having fun if you are at the parade or the festival be sure you stop and remember, all of the rights that we have as a community, are all because of the people who stood up and said enough. As we go in to the fun, stop and remember who came before us, who stood up so that you have the rights that you have. Now whether you are gay, straight, not matter your religion or race, you can walk hand in hand down the street and not be arrested. You can love who you want and even marry the love of your life all because of this amazing group of New Yorkers who paved the way.
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