Tuesday, October 20, 2020

How to Stop Hormonal Hairloss

Whether you're experiencing menopause or pregnancy hormone changes affect your mood swings, give insomnia, hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, and to top it off the best part hair loss!!

Our hormones are a significant factor in the health of our hair and scalp.

When hormone levels fluctuate, we may experience hair loss which is no fun. Especially when a woman has a baby or a thyroid condition this is true.

Our hair follicles are mini organisms that require constant blood supply and nourishment to continue producing hairs. Changes to our scalp and hairs underlying biology can cause dryness, shedding and hair loss. Thankfully however there are things we can do to prevent this!!!

What are Hormones???

Hormones are essential for controlling most primary bodily functions; therefore, a hormonal disruption can impact various physical processes. 

Hormones aid in regulating:

  • Appetite
  • Body Temperature
  • Growth and Development
  • Heart Rate
  • Sexual Function
  • Sleep Patterns
  • Stress Levels
  • Mood Levels

How Hormones Affect Your Hair

Several hormones become disrupted during menopause, and it is this imbalance that impacts your sensitive hair follicles and triggers hair loss. Levels of female hormones like estrogen and progesterone plummet, while male hormones like testosterone and its derivative, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), come to be more prominent.

Did you know that estrogen levels fluctuate during menopause??

Estrogen is a female hormone released by your ovaries to regulate ovulation. In addition to its role in the reproductive system, estrogen impacts your hair’s growth cycle. With normal estrogen levels, your follicles spend more time in the growing stage before entering the resting phase and shedding your strands.

We experience irregular ovulation and unpredictable estrogen fluctuations during perimenopause. Once you arrive at menopause, your estrogen production drops off dramatically. With less estrogen available in your body, your follicles shed hair sooner and spend more time in the resting phase — this leads to thinner hair.

What Can you Do??

One of the first things you should do is to see your doctor. They can examine your scalp and hair and order blood or saliva tests to check your hormone levels. Once you know the imbalance you are dealing with, you and your doctor can discuss options to remedy the situation. 

It's a good idea to explore possibilities like:

  • Hormone Therapy
  • Applying Minoxidil - a topical medication applied directly to your scalp to encourage hair growth through increased circulation. It does this by dilating your skin's blood vessels. Many women need to use minoxidil every day for up to a year before seeing results.
  • Anti Androgen Medications

And lets not forget the most important thing --- Get plenty of rest and consume a healthy diet that includes antioxidant- and vitamin-rich foods, including blueberries, flaxseed, leafy greens, and yogurt!!

If you are interested in speaking with a hair consultant at UBU about ways we can hep guide your hair growth journey we would love to assist!! Schedule an appointment today so one of our expert stylists can help you get back the thick hair you've dreamed of!

And make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay on top of all the latest product launches and events!!

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