Thursday, February 28, 2019

Knowing Your Curl

We all know how HUMID Florida can be but if you have curly hair. Do you feel like your curly hair has a mind of it's own?  Do you feel like your curly hair is uncontrollable? Do you feel like it grown bigger and bigger each second of the day. Here is the secret, PRODUCT. There are many products out there for Curly hair but lets be honest, they don't work.  You can put as much on your hair as you like, follow the directions and never get the result you are looking for.  For the next few weeks we are going to talk about the best products and color for your curl.

First lets start out by saying all curly hair is not the same.  There are different textures and curl patterns to your hair. You could have a Loose Curl, Tight Curl, Classic Curl, Kinky Curl and each one should be addressed differently.  Your stylist has the info you need so be sure you talk, and find out what pattern you have to know the best products to style your hair.

One of the leading products for Curly hair is Ouidad, which has a full line of products that can be used for all your hair needs.  From Cleansing/Conditioners to Styling products for all types of curly hair, there is a product that will work perfect for you.  No matter if you are looking for the beach wave took or lift at the root, your stylist can direct you to exactly what you need.

One thing many people don't know is Ouidad is not only one of the best product lines, it can be a life changer for your  hair cut.  UBU Color Salon has Ouidad certified stylist and your hair cut can be your new next friend.  Going to a salon that has Ouidad certified stylist will walk you through each step from how your hair should be cut to how to style.

If you have curly hair come visit us so you can be walked through life as a Ouidad user.  Let the door's open the the possibility of your Curl.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Bonded Hair Extensions

This week let's talk about Bonded hair extensions, are they right for you? 
Bonded hair extensions (aka Fusion) are bonded directly to your natural hair using an adhesives such as glue. This is probably the most time consuming application, they generally take approximately 3-4 hours to apply which is a great time for you and your stylist to get to know each other. The application involves a machine that basically  looks like a hot glue gun or a heated clamp that melts the glue to your natural hair. 
Bonded hair extensions are managed and treated just like your real hair which is one of the popular reason people choose Bonded extensions.  You don't have to buy new products or change your routine you would normally use.  One thing you should remember is bonded extensions need to be re-positioned every 2–3 months as your hair grows. There are chemicals in the glue that can cause issues for your hair that can cause hair loss, breakage, and scalp irritation.  This might not be the best option for everyone.  Again, as always, the consultation will be where your stylist can direct you to the hair extension that is right for you.  
The bonded hair extensions can last up to 4 months and are considered semi-permanent.  Remember that this is only an estimate as it depends on how fast your hair grows.  
Go have a consultation with your stylist and see what your best option is.  Your hair goal is right around the corner.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Seamless Extensions

This week lets talk about Seamless Extensions, what are they and how do You keepthem fresh.  

Seamless Extensions, also known as Tape in Extensions are and do exactly as you would expect.  They are pre-taped and then attache to each side of your own hair.  These extensions get the name seamless because they allow the stylist the ability to get the extension attached directly to the root for a perfect alignment giving the extension a perfect seamless look from root to end. 

Things you should know about Seamless Extensions application and removal, it is not for the DIY hair community, you should not trust anyone except a professional.  Seamless Extensions have to be applied by a stylist for you to get 
the best use of your extensions, knowing exactly where to place these extensions to get the full, long look you are wanting to achieve.  Once they are placed don't  try to remove them yourself, your stylist during application used a hot tool  that heated the glue to activate it to attached to your hair, this heating took is specifically used for applying this style of extension.  Also, when it is time to remove, your stylist will know exactly what to use to get the tape glue to release with out damaging your hair. NOTE: If they are in good condition when removed they can be reused.  

Now how to keep your Seamless Extensions in the best possible condition, know what you can use on them.  With Seamless Extensions you have to be very careful using conditioner, keeping it off the root of your hair.  The conditioner can cause the tape to release and slip which will  cause a big mess for you and not give you the look you want and paid for. This is one of the biggest issues people have with Seamless Extension and this is why it is important to go to a knowledgeable stylist who not only knows how to apply, but also can point you in the direction of what products to use.  Generally they will want you to use a product that is less oily and harsh on the hair. 

Are Seamless Extensions right for you.  Generally Seamless Extension are great for all types of hair.  They can be styled any way you like just remember the root area. IF you want a lot of volume at your root this might not be the extension for you, your stylist can direct you to the type of extension that will be best for you.  Just like any hair service have a consultation with your stylist before you start.  Talk about everything you like about your hair and what you like to do with it on a daily bases.  Do you tie it up, love Volume, want to tease the heck out of it....let them know so they can be your hair guide.  Communication is #1 so get into the salon and get the look you want. 

Unveiling the Hottest Blonde Hair Color Trends for Summer 2024

As the temperature rises and the days grow longer in Tampa Florida , it’s time to shake things up with a fresh new look for summer. And what...